SangokoyaLab @UCSF
SangokoyaLab @UCSF
SangokoyaLab @UCSF
SangokoyaLab @UCSF
SangokoyaLab @UCSF
SangokoyaLab @UCSF

The Sangokoya Lab, (PI: Carolyn Sangokoya, MD, PhD) focuses on how post-transcriptional regulatory networks (RNA + RNA-binding proteins) drive cell fate, function, and plasticity. We use functional and spatial transcriptomics, quantitative cell biology, gene-editing, and biosensors to understand the role of iron (and more) in development and disease.  We are developing functional ‘omic methods for understanding how post-transcriptional regulatory networks alter cell fate, function, and plasticity in 3D stem cell-based models and in mice.  

Finally, we apply an RNA-based lens to better understand human liver tissue in health and disease. Our long term goals are to apply our findings to re-engineering cells for regenerative therapies and to innovating diagnostic liver pathology in the age of precision-based medicine.  

Join, celebrate, and support our basic discovery and translational science. 


We are hiring! Looking for talented + intellectually curious post-docs and technicians. 
We value an interest/background in RNA / molecular/ stem cell biology, or liver biology and also welcome experience from other fields such as chemical biology and bioengineering
Interested? we are too! send CV, statement of research interest, and 2 references (with contact info) to carolyn[dot]sangokoya[at]